Hedgehog Mushrooms Sautéed in Cider

Hedgehog Mushrooms Sautéed in Cider

Hedgehog Mushrooms Sautéed in Cider
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 15 min
Portions: 4

    100 g grey shallots, finely chopped
    400 g hedgehog mushrooms, cleaned and coarsely chopped
    50 ml of a dry cider
    50 g butter
    250 ml of 15% or 35 % cream
    Chopped parsley
    Salt and pepper
    A fresh baguette

      In a pan over a medium flame, cook the mushrooms for 5 mn, then add half of the butter and some salt.
      Cook for another 5 mn until the pan is more or less dry.
      At the same time, in another pan over a medium flame, cook the shallots with the rest of the butter.
      After 5 mn, deglaze the shallots with cider.
      Raise the temperature to reduce the cider almost completely without it burning.
      Add the hedgehog mushrooms, parsley and crème to the cider mixture.
      Cook for another 2 minutes.
      Season and serve hot on toasted baguette slices with wine and cheese.